
  • Sarphatistraat 7
    1017 WS Amsterdam
    logo-gemeente-amsterdam (1)
  • Aert van Nesstraat 45
    3012 CA Rotterdam
    Group 47
  • Kastanjelaan 400
    5616 LZ Eindhoven
    eindhoven_pms485_liggend_bb (1)
  • Lange Lozanastraat 142 B2
    2018 Antwerp

Céline Teeuwen

As the client’s legal adviser, Celine always looks at the broader picture beyond laws and regulations. She believes it is her responsibility to assess effectiveness, feasibility, and efficiency. 

“The solution to a legal issue is not always found in the law or cannot always be laid down in a contract. I am very much aware of that. It is one of the reasons why I study the playing field of artificial intelligence in-depth, besides my job as legal counsel specialising in privacy and intellectual property.

I considered the option of working as legal counsel very carefully. I am a practical person, and I enjoy the fact that businesses can put my advice and work directly into practice. My goal is to help them move forward. The diversity of my work keeps me on my toes. One day I will work in a larger legal team for a multinational company, and the next, I might be the only expert attending a meeting to discuss a start-up. In both situations, I am a critical but committed discussion partner who keeps asking questions until the core of the matter is dissected or clearly understood. I am convinced that the right answer can only be found by truly understanding the question.”

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